Author : Leslie

What Are The Different Types Of Intervention Strategies Used To Deal With The Gang Problem

A gang is defined as a group of people who have a claimed leader and a definite internal organisation, who use their numbers to gain control over a territory or community or engage in illegal, violent behaviour. Gangs have always been a major concern in the public sphere, and the problem is that it still […]

What Does The Law Say About Bullying

Bullying is the act of discriminating against and harassing a student or colleague because of their nature, religious practices, ethnic group, white colour, perceived race or actual race, sexual orientation, gender, disability or nation of origin by school employees, the workforce or by any other person. Bullying often occurs at schools but is not restricted […]

Youth Gang Involvement: What Are The Risk Factors

It is proven that young people are the most influenced by gangs and gang leaders. The national crime prevention centre of Canada has been working for years to develop and disseminate practical knowledge to address the problem of youth gangs. To essentially prevent youth from joining such gangs, it is important to know what the […]

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